Policies & Documents Download
Lincoln College - Transparency Information 2023
The information published on these pages shows:
The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.
It shows these numbers by reference to:
The gender of the individuals to which they relate
Their ethnicity
Their socioeconomic background

Provider Important Policies and Documents
Please find below links to view the following documents from Lincoln College University Centre and from our validating partners.
Lincoln College University Centre Policies

Career Degree Bursary Guidelines
Career Degree Bursary Request Form
Ethics and Research Integrity Policy
Fitness to Practice Policy Lincoln College
Higher Education Terms and Conditions of Registration, Student Information and Protection Plan
Internal Quality Assurance Policy
Lincoln College Exceptional Circumstances Online Form
Lincoln College Mitigating Circumstances Online Form
Lincoln College Mitigating Circumstances Guidelines
Mental Health and Disability Policy
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
Record of Prior Learning Application
Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
Search, Screening and Confiscation Policy
Student Assessment and Appeals Procedure
We work with a number of partner institutions who validate our Higher Education Career Degrees.
These validated courses have been approved by the applicable university/organisation for delivery by Lincoln College University Centre, with the final award being issued by the university/organisation partner.