Child protection is a vital aspect of safeguarding, focusing on individuals who are at risk of significant harm. This principle applies equally to adults at risk, who may require care or support to protect themselves from abuse or neglect.
Safeguarding involves:
• Protecting children from abuse and harm
• Preventing harm to their health and development
• Providing safe and effective care
• Ensuring the best possible outcomes for all children and young people
Contacting safeguarding
Contacting our Safeguarding Team is easy. You can reach them through a Single Point of Contact (SPoC) during office hours, Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm, on 07580 975854 or via email.
However, you can also report anything to us by filling out this form, providing as much detail as possible. This form is completely anonymous and confidential.
Speaking to a member of staff
All staff are clearly identifiable as wearing a blue lanyard that says Lincoln College STAFF. They can assist you in the first instance or direct you to the best place for support.
You can also visit any of the reception areas at Lincoln or Newark college and ask to speak to someone from Student Services.

Our duty of care
Lincoln College has a duty of care towards students, staff and visitors to shield them from harm where possible. The types of support that we offer includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Sexual Violence and Harassment
For concerns regarding sexual violence and harassment, we have a zero-tolerance policy. Any form of sexual violence or harassment, whether physical or online, will not be tolerated. Students and staff are encouraged to report any concerns to a member of staff or through our Safeguarding Team.
For more information, please read our Safeguarding Guide.
Mental Health Support
Mental health support is available to all students. You can access services such as needs assessment, counselling, and support from Mental Health First Aiders. Contact the Safeguarding Team or visit YourSpace or main receptions at Lincoln and Newark College for assistance.
For more information about who to contact about your mental health, please read our support and advice help sheet.
Bullying, Harassment and Hate Crimes
We take a firm stance against bullying, harassment, and hate crimes. These behaviours are harmful and will be addressed promptly. If you're experiencing bullying or harassment, please contact the Safeguarding Team or your course tutor for support.
For more information, please read our Safeguarding Guide.
The PREVENT Duty aims to safeguard our students from being drawn into terrorism.
At Lincoln College, we believe in inclusivity, respect, and the importance of open dialogue. Our institution rejects extremism and values diversity. We encourage discussion, debate, and learning from one another, fostering an environment where every voice is heard and respected, regardless of faith or belief. Our college believes that division belongs in mathematics, not the classroom.
If you have concerns about any student, contact our Safeguarding Team. In case of a terrorist threat, report it to the Metropolitan Police website. Additionally, familiarise yourself with safety procedures on campus according to the Counter Terrorism Policing Team's advice.
For more information, please read our Safeguarding Guide.
Online Safety
The world is constantly changing and there are always new ways to communicate with friends, explore the world and get connected.
Society puts pressure on you to experience new things, but that can make you unsure and vulnerable about your world. We encourage students to think about how to stay safe and provide resources that students can go to for help.
For more information, please take a look at our Online Safety Guide.
Useful Numbers and Websites
Have a specific question? Please refer to this list of useful numbers and website for support. If you can't find what you are looking for remember you can contact the Safeguarding team. You can reach them through a Single Point of Contact (SPoC) during office hours, Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm, on 07580 975854 or via email.
General Contacts
Stop Hate Crime - 0800 138 1625
Shelter - 0808 800 4444
Samaritans - 0845 790 9090
NSPCC - 0808 800 5000, [email protected] or
Ofsted - 0300 123 4666
Childline - 0800 1111
Talk to Frank - text 82111 for support
Lincolnshire Contacts
Lincolnshire Children’s Safeguarding Board
Lincolnshire Children Services Customer Service Centre (CSC) - 01522 782111
Lincolnshire Adults Safeguarding Board
Lincolnshire Adults Social Care - 01522 782155
Lincolnshire Children’s Emergency Duty Team / Emergency Social Care Services - (Outside of office hours) 01522 782333
Lincolnshire Police - (Non–emergency) 101 then request Lincolnshire
Lincolnshire Adult Mental Health Crisis Team - 01522 573648 (24 hrs)
End Domestic Abuse Now (EDAN) - 01522 510041
Nottinghamshire Contacts
Nottinghamshire Children Safeguarding Board
Nottinghamshire Adult Safeguarding Board
Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub - 0300 500 80 90
Nottinghamshire Police - (Non-emergency) 101 then request Nottinghamshire
Nottinghamshire Women's Aid - 0808 800 0340
Nottinghamshire Crisis and Home Treatment Resolution and Home Treatment Team - (24 hrs) ADD LINK
If your call is relating to a service user open to the team or known to adult mental health services. Or you are seeking advice regarding a mental health crisis mental health services then please contact:
Bassetlaw - 0300 123 1804
City - 0300 300 0065
County South - 0300 123 2901
Mansfield and Ashfield - 0115 956 0860
Useful Downloads
To find out more about any of the topics discussed on this page, or to read more about specific Lincoln College policies, please refer to these downloads. Alternatively, if you have a question not answered here, please get in touch with our Student Services team.