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Welcome Days

Welcome days are designed to get you on the right course for you. It's a chance to meet our tutors and have a look around.

Get to know us

Welcome days are designed to get you on the right course for you. It's a chance to meet our tutors and have a look around. You will also have an interview for your first choice course with a tutor.

They will either make you a conditional offer of a place on the course, or you will be offered independent advice and guidance to help you decide on another course. Parents are welcome to stay for the whole Welcome Day if they wish to.

For some of our courses you will need to bring some things to help you or wear suitable clothing. The courses where this are necessary are listed below.

All Courses

All students will be required to bring the following to their welcome day:

  • Pen, Pencil, Paper

  • Latest School Report

  • Any relevant documents or certificates such as personal or academic achievements, work experience or employment history, qualification or attendance certificates

NOTE: We will be unable to view any documents or examples of work on a USB storage device.


What should I expect?

Normally, the session will begin with a welcome talk from the interviewers – they’ll tell you about the college and fill you in on how the interview session is going to work.

For AS Level and A Level applicants you will be asked to take part in a group interview. This is likely to involve discussing a question topic with other applicants. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have during the session.

If you are applying for GCSE Pathway you will undertake an individual interview, this is your chance to show your interest in the subject and your suitability for the course. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

What kind of questions might I be asked?

You can’t predict exactly what you’re going to be asked but you can be confident that the interviewers will cover a few obvious themes.

They’re also likely to base some of their questions on information you included in the personal statement on your application form.

For example; Why have you applied? What makes you well-suited? Are you prepared?

What will interviewers want to know?

The interviewers will want to establish that you are prepared to start college. They’ll want to know that you’ve thought about the practicalities:

  • Do you intend to commute to college or will you be moving out of home?

  • Why have you decided to apply to college rather than spending another year at school?

  • Do you hope to go on to study a higher level of qualification after this?

  • How much do you know about what the course involves?

  • What are group interviews like?

Group interviews will be appropriate for some subjects but not for others. If you do have one, they provide an opportunity for interviewers to see how well you respond in a group situation similar to that you will experience at college.

Chances are you’ll be asked to discuss with other potential students a topic or question related to the course subject. Try and contribute to the discussion as much as you can, for example;

  • Listen to what others have to say and respond to their comments

  • Pose questions to the group

  • Give examples if you can to back up your arguments

  • Even when you’re not talking, show that you are interested and engaged.

How can I prepare?

Good preparation will make all the difference:

1. Make sure you’ve read all about the course and the college as interviewers will want you to show that you understand what it involves.

2. Please prepare a personal statement to support your application to study at college. It’s a chance for you to articulate why you’d like to study a particular course or subject, and what skills and experience you possess that show your passion for your chosen field. (maximum of 200 words).

3. Think about the types of question you could be asked and how you would answer them? Practice!

4. Write down and revise 3 or 4 bullet points for each of the following:

  • Your reasons for choosing (a) the course (b) the college 

  • Your most relevant skills and qualities

  • Examples of when you have demonstrated these skills

  • Your most relevant experience and achievements

How should I behave on the day?

Be on time and plan your journey in advance.
Dress appropriately. You need to be clean and smart but you don’t need to be too formal.
Bring a pen and anything else you've been asked to take e.g. a copy of your qualifications/ school report.
Look interested, engaged, and enthusiastic. Make eye contact with the interviewer. And smile!
Try and relax, sit comfortably, and take your time with your answers.

Remember, nobody’s trying to catch you out at an interview. The staff will expect you to be a bit nervous so they’ll want to put you at ease. You might be surprised by how informal it feels.  Prepare well and you’ll be totally fine.

Art & Photography

As part of your interview, you will be expected to:

  • Bring examples of previous work, e.g. drawings, 3D work, rough work, written work, photographs, development sheets etc.

Please click on relevant subject link below to download form to be completed, and is required to be presented at interview:

Level 1 Art and Design & Media

Level 2 and 3 Art and Design, including Fashion

Level 3/4 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design

Level 2 Photography

Level 3 Photography

Career College

All Career College students will be required to wear the following to their welcome day:

  • Sports Kit: to include tee, shorts, jacket/hoodie, jogging/tracksuit bottoms and suitable training shoes.

In addition to:

  • Pen, Pencil, Paper/Notebook

  • Water bottle

  • Latest School Report

  • Any relevant documents or certificates such as personal or academic achievements, work experience or employment history, qualification or attendance certificates

Parents / Guardians are actively encouraged to attend the Welcome Days. Staff will share important information regarding additional costs for uniform, trips and visits contribution and course expectations around attendance and behaviour.

Creative Media

As part of your interview, you will be expected to bring:

  • At least four photographic images taken by yourself (not holiday photos), with detailed annotations that analyse the images.

  • At least four examples of print-based media with annotations. E.g. magazine covers, professional photographs, page design, etc.

  • An example of a piece of your own work, which has involved design in some form. This could be an information sheet, design plan, website, drawings, etc.

  • An example of a piece of your written work from a suitable creative subject (such as English, Media, Graphics, etc., not science-based subjects). This could be an essay or a review, of no more than 500 words.

  • Any other creative and directly related work you wish to show us (such as short films or music videos you have made, audio production work, etc.)

  • Bring with you a written personal statement approximately 250 words in length. In your statement, write about why you wish to be considered for this programme. Include details of relevant work experience, voluntary work, interests, hobbies and long-term career plans.


All Computing students must complete a pre-interview before attending their welcome day.

All computing students will be required to bring the following to their welcome day:


In addition to:

Pen, Pencil, Paper

Latest School Report

Any relevant documents or certificates such as personal or academic achievements, work experience or employment history, qualification or attendance certificates.

Electric Engineering

All Electrical Engineering students will be required to bring the following to their welcome day:

  • Calculator

In addition to:

  • Pen, Pencil, Paper

  • Latest School Report

  • Any relevant documents or certificates such as personal or academic achievements, work experience or employment history, qualification or attendance certificates

Performing and Production Arts

As part of your interview, you will be expected to:

  • Bring examples of previous work if appropriate, e.g. written work, design work, mix tapes, photographs, references, production notes etc.

  • Wear appropriate clothing if expected to perform.

The following subjects require you to:

Performing Arts

  • Prepare and perform a song or monologue.
    Choose a professional piece written for theatre, not your own work. This should last 2-3 minutes and be memorised. If you are using a backing track please do bring this along, any format is acceptable. 

We will conduct a short, informal interview to develop our understanding of your experience, knowledge and approach to learning. 

Level 4 Performance

Please prepare and present two contrasting pieces selected from the area (or areas) of your performance specialism, eg;

  • Two contrasting monologues (classical and contemporary)

  • Two contrasting songs (at least one from a stage musical)

  • A song and a monologue

You can perform these at the interview; please make sure you provide any required musical backing on USB, MP3, CD or WAV files.


  • Prepare and perform a short musical piece of your choice. You should bring your own instruments and equipment if needed.
    We will provide amplifiers, drum kits (excluding drum sticks) and keyboards on the day. If you are using a backing track please do bring this along, in any format.  

  • We will conduct a short, informal interview to develop our understanding of your experience, knowledge and approach to learning.


During your Welcome Day you will be required to work with our choreographers for a couple of hours and take part in a short interview. 

There is no requirement to prepare a solo piece. 

Production Arts

  • Prepare for a formal interview, where your commitment, experience and subject knowledge will be assessed. You will be expected to outline your specific area of interest in technical theatre

  • Bring examples of work that relate to technical theatre – testimonials, project briefs, references, photographs, models. If you have been involved in productions this may include production notes.

Level 4 Production Arts

At your interview please present a physical or digital portfolio showing your design, production and or technical work.

This should contain examples of your own work that demonstrate your interests, skills and achievements.

Digital portfolios should be available via a web link or PDF or on a device that you bring along.

Please advise us of any additional needs or queries about submission of material prior to the interview.