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10 July 2019

Air & Defence College wins employer involvement award

The Air & Defence College (A&DC) based at Lincoln College was presented with the award last Thursday during The Career College Trust's Annual Conference that took place at the Bloomsbury Hotel in London.

The National College Employer Involvement Award recognises the work the College has undertaken to develop strong, lasting and meaningful partnerships with employers from across the aerospace industry including the RAF.

The conference theme this year was ‘Career Skills’ and it centred around the importance of supporting young people to develop a wider range of interpersonal, entrepreneurial and employability skills associated with their chosen industry.

It provides an opportunity for Career College staff, students, employers and stakeholders to network and share best practice with one another – as well as showcasing highlights from over the year.

Air & Defence College Lead Ross Tarnowski said: “It’s fantastic to be recognised by the Career College Trust with this award.

“To be recognised for our excellence in employer involvement and engagement and the impact it has on the experience of our college students and their future success is exactly what the A&DC is all about.”

The College was also joined by former A&D student Abigail Britt-Wood who was the first female to pass the RAF selection process and is now serving as a RAF Medic based at RAF Waddington.

Abigail said: “I want to thank Lincoln College, their support was phenomenal and I wouldn’t have got to where I am today without the Air & Defence College.”

Bev Jones CEO at the Career College Trust said: We offer our congratulations to Lincoln College for being the well-deserved winner of our Career College Employer Involvement Strategy award.

“Lincoln College has been an absolutely fantastic example of a Career College. It has supported young people into great career pathways and formed very successful partnerships with a number of employers throughout the region, particularly the RAF.”

If you’re interested in finding out more about our Air & Defence College you can email [email protected] or call 030 030 32435. 

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