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15 February 2022

Special Constable roles for Police College students

Three Policing College students who have recently completed their basic training with Lincolnshire Police have taken up roles as Special Constables.

Jasmine and Joe who are studying on the Level 3 course and Jakob, who is on the Professional Police degree programme, have already been on the streets of Lincolnshire carrying out their Special Constable duties.

The Policing College is based at Lincoln College and has been designed to train school leavers to prepare them for apprenticeships and jobs in a variety of policing roles.

Jakob said: “It’s been a really good experience so far. There’s a lot of support and you feel very welcomed by your colleagues.”

Jakob has already been out on shifts with police officers, observing and gaining valuable policing experience and says this, coupled with his studies at the Policing College, is preparing him ultimately for a career with the police.

“A lot of what I’ve done on the course has been about looking at crime in depth, the causes of crime and crime prevention, so this all goes hand in hand and I’m able to put into practice what I’m learning on the course.”

Police College lecturer Brian Williams said he was proud of the students and what they’ve achieved.

He said: "As a member of the Policing College lecturing team it was an incredibly proud moment to watch three of our students attested as Special Constables.

“One of our aspirations is to work with our students and get them ready for future employment. This role with Lincolnshire Police is a fantastic opportunity to add practical workplace experience to their academic achievements.”

Find out more about our Policing College here - Policing College

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