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Care Sector Courses

Be part of a family that supports families. Lincoln College's Care College is a unique training experience, which has been designed by our industry partners to give 16-19-year-olds the technical knowledge, values and experience needed to build hugely rewarding careers in the care sector.

Get Industry ready

For the first time in the UK students who successfully complete this course will leave with the nationally recognised gold standard care qualification, the Care Certificate.

Students will also gain a Level 2 and/or Level 3 Care qualification. All students will have completed extensive industry placements in a variety of care settings and will be guaranteed a job or apprenticeship interview with one of our industry partners.

Our courses explained

Why Lincoln College?

Technical training

Our well-rounded training will prepare you for all care scenarios including nursing home and private home settings. It will cover caring for the elderly, those with special educational needs and those with behavioural issues.

Practical Skills

Lincoln College Care College courses also develop general practical care skills to prepare you for all settings. These include: cookery, cleaning, household management and household budgeting.

Supportive Learning Environment

Develop you skills in and out of the classroom. Our team of expert teachers is dedicated to providing you with the guidance and encouragement you need to reach your full potential.

What sets us apart?

That’s easy - our mission is to set you apart in interview. By successfully graduating from the Care College you will be highly skilled, highly productive and highly employable. You’ll also be ready to have a transformational impact on the people you care for and their families.

We are the only college in the UK to build the Care Certificate into our programme of study. This industry qualification is the bible of the care sector and it can only be assessed in the workplace.

Under careful supervision, our students will be assessed in the workplace to gain a qualification that you would normally have to be working in the industry to complete.

Entry criteria

Entry criteria for this course will be based on the skills demonstrated at interview along with a good level of communication skills. Applicants will need to demonstrate that they have the skills and attitude necessary in the Care Sector.

Career pathways

Successfully completing your Care College course can lead to the following job roles:

  • Healthcare Assistant

  • Support Worker

  • Senior Carer Team Leader

  • Care Management Nursing Associate

  • Nurse Occupational Therapist

Work-ready experiences

  • You will undertake multiple industry placements across the two year programme

  • You will participate in a range of enrichment activities including guest speakers, trips to service providers and industry related settings

  • You will participate in wider college activities and project based learning

  • You will plan and deliver activities with real life service users and at industry settings

Industry Partners

Industry experts from the Orders of St John Care Trust (OSJCT), The Priory, LinCA, Walnut Care, Home from Home Care and Wispington House have designed an industry-led curriculum and provide unique levels of on-the-job training in care home settings.

Want to familiarise yourself with where you'll be studying?

Check out the Gibney building facilities. Take a tour of each room and get to know the space!


Career coach

Our Career Coach site includes other useful tools such as a CV builder and a self-assessment questionnaire which can help you relate your hobbies and interests to the world of work.

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