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Catering Courses

Welcome to the Lincoln School of Food and Hospitality - where we offer students an unparalleled opportunity to embark on exciting careers in the catering and hospitality industry

Get Industry ready

Courses are curated to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in this dynamic and fast-paced field. With a hands-on learning environment and real-world experience, our students are well-equipped with the tools they need to succeed in their chosen career paths. 

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our newly acquired businesses, The Drill and The Old Bakery - which act as finishing schools for our specialised students – giving them vital, employer-led experiences to enhance their CV’s ready for employment. 

Our courses

Lincoln College Finishing Schools

The Drill caters to a casual dining experience giving students versatility and adaptability skills, whilst the Old Bakery is a fine dining restaurant extending professionalism and workplace behaviours.  

Career coach

Our Career Coach site includes other useful tools such as a CV builder and a self-assessment questionnaire which can help you relate your hobbies and interests to the world of work.

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